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At St Mary Magdalene’s RC School we have a Parent, Friends and Teacher Association to help raise much needed funds for school.

Did you know as your child is at the school you are automatically a member of the PTFA?

The good news is, everything your PTFA raises goes directly to providing for the school, and, in consultation with staff, parents have a say on where and how the money is spent.

You can make a real difference! More parents involved with their PTFA means more money raised through more fun events, benefiting everyone.


What value does your PTFA already bring to school?

  • Fundraising – whether it’s paying for extras or essentials, every penny directly benefits our children
  • Fun – our events are enjoyed by children, parents and teachers alike, and are a great way to bring the whole school community closer together
  • Parent voice – discussing where PTA money is spent.

Did you know that last year, your PTFA raised hundreds of pounds through fundraising, which paid for IT equipment for school. This year our fundraising is focusing on the outside areas at school.


Join us

There are many ways you can offer your talents and be part of the conversation. If you would like to chat about how you can volunteer for your PTFA and be a force for good for St Mary Magdalene’s RC School – however much or little time you can spare – please get in touch via our Facebook page or come and have chat with Miss Round (Potting Shed) or Mrs Gore (Forest School)

Be certain that your help will be greatly appreciated and will make a big difference.


How to keep up to date?

Please like, follow or message us on our Facebook page at

Contact us by messaging on our Facebook page or


We have been exploring lots of different ways that you can support the Parent Teacher and Friend Association at St Mary Magdalene’s without having to give up any additional time. All the money we raise goes straight back into enhancing the education and enjoyment of all the children at the school.

We have a clothes collection bin on site to raise funds for school. If your having a clear outplease remember us.


Easyfundraising is a great website where you can help St Mary Magdalene School raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 3,300 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.


Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and it’s completely free too! We want raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us at


We have our own lottery

Tickets cost just £1 per ticket, per week and 40% of all ticket sales are donated to our school.

A GUARANTEED cash prize to someone on our supporter list every week.

A further chance of winning £25,000 in a separate draw EVERY WEEK!

Draws are every Saturday at 8pm and results are posted online.


STIKINS® Name Labels

Save time and money with multipurpose stick on name labels for clothes, shoes, lunch boxes, & all school items. Sent same day

Use our unique code 20671 and our PTFA gets 30% commission


Stamptastic is the quickest way to label school uniform… no sewing or ironing labels, simply stamp instead and label a whole set of school uniform in under ten minutes! Stamptastic’s magic ink withholds 50 washes on care labels without fading! What’s more, if you add our PTA code BB12 0JD you will receive a FREE White Fabric Pen worth £4.99 when you order a School Name Labels DELUXE Bundle and the PTFA will receive 15% commission.…/homep…/products/advanced-bundle