Remote education
Remote Education Provision
Information for Parents and Carers
1. Rationale
This information is intended to provide further information and guidance on providing high- quality remote education in cases where it is not possible, or is contrary to government guidance, for some or all pupils to attend school..
2. The Remote Curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home
A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.
On the first couple of days your child will be set work via Class Dojo or through our online platforms (Reading Plus and Emile). Each day there will be a Maths and English task as well as an additional learning activity. Parents and carers will be notified by text or email via Parent Pay or own Class Dojo when live learning will be available.
We aim to teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. Where this is not possible, we will make some adaptations in some subjects or tasks.
3. Remote teaching and learning time each day
We expect that remote education (including live learning and other set tasks) will take pupils broadly 3 hours each day in Key Stage 1 and up to 4 hours each day in Key Stage 2.
One lesson each day Mon-Thurs will be live learning delivered via Microsoft Teams. If you have any difficulty logging on to Microsoft Teams, please contact the school office. There will be at least 2 other learning tasks each day for your child to complete at home which may be through our online platforms or using a creative approach.
4. Online access difficulties
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. If you have difficulty, please contact the school office. School has access to a limited number of devices that we may be able to loan out. If you are unable to get one of these, you can request printed copies of your child’s lessons and tasks from the school office. If you have difficulties with devices that enable an internet connection (for example, routers or dongles), please contact the school office for guidance and help.
If pupils cannot submit work online, they can keep paper copies and return them to school when appropriate.
5. Remote teaching
We will use a range of approaches to teach pupils remotely. These will include:
- live teaching (at least one session each day Mon-Thurs)
recorded teaching (eg Reading Plus and Emile)
worksheet tasks accessed via Class dojo and Parent Pay.
6. Engagement and feedback
We expect all children to engage in tasks daily. All children are expected to log on to the daily live learning where a register will be taken.
If a pupil is regularly not logging on, parents or carers will be contacted and support offered to enable their child to engage. During the live learning any issues with non-live learning will be addressed.
Learning will be assessed and feedback given in a number of ways:
- verbally to the class group as a whole
- verbally individually during the lesson
- written feedback during the live learning via the chat facility
- written feedback after a task has been submitted
Pupils can send any completed work to teachers via email using teacher school email addresses or via Microsoft Teams.
Alternatively, work that children complete on paper should be kept and returned to school when appropriate.
7. Pupils with particular needs
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils. Staff will ensure practical information and resources are shared which will hopefully support home learning for children with additional needs. These are sensory/practical/screen-free activities to do at home.
Parents and carers who require further support should initially contact our school office. We can then arrange contact with their class teachers or our SENCo Miss Round.